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Limit Gauges:-Plug Gauges and its types ,Snap Gauges and its types, Ring Gauge, Radius & Fillet Gauge, Filler Gauge

  Limit Gauges:- → Limit gauges are non-recording type inspection devices which is used to check the dimension of the product produced lies within the permissible limit or not.  → if on inspection the dimension of the product produced lies within the permissible limit then the product is accepted.   → but if on inspection the dimension of the product produced does not lie within the permissible limit then the product is rejected. →I n the manufacturing industry the product produced is either of two natures either it will be a shaft or it will be a hole. we have to take the measurement to check its accuracy. but when the production rate is high we cannot choose the method of measurement which is time-consuming  →Therefore to check the manufactured component accuracy within less time We use  a special type of inspection device called limit gauges   →limit gauges are non-recording type inspection devices i.e. they do not give the reading of the dimension ...
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Subject:-Measurement & Metrology, Angle measuring instruments:-Sine bar , Clinometer , Bevel Protector.

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Subject:- Measurement and Metrology:-Standard in Measurement ,Method of Measurement, Terms related to measuring instruments.

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