Limit Gauges:- → Limit gauges are non-recording type inspection devices which is used to check the dimension of the product produced lies within the permissible limit or not. → if on inspection the dimension of the product produced lies within the permissible limit then the product is accepted. → but if on inspection the dimension of the product produced does not lie within the permissible limit then the product is rejected. →I n the manufacturing industry the product produced is either of two natures either it will be a shaft or it will be a hole. we have to take the measurement to check its accuracy. but when the production rate is high we cannot choose the method of measurement which is time-consuming →Therefore to check the manufactured component accuracy within less time We use a special type of inspection device called limit gauges →limit gauges are non-recording type inspection devices i.e. they do not give the reading of the dimension ...
Disaster Management:- Disaster, Effects of Disaster, Hazard, Vulnerability and types of vulnerability.
Disaster:- A Disaster refers to a sudden or extreme event that causes significant damage, destruction, or disruption, resulting in human, economic, and environmental losses that exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources. Disasters can be natural(such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes)or human-made(such as industrial accidents, terrorist attacks). → A disaster can be defined as an event that occurs in most cases suddenly and unexpectedly, causing severe disturbances to people, or objects affected by it, and resulting in loss of life and harm to the health of the population, the destruction or loss of community property and severe damage to the environment. → A disaster is a natural or manmade event that negatively affects life, property, livelihood, or industry often resulting in permanent changes to human societies, ecosystems, and th...