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THERMODYNAMICS:-It is the branch of engineering in which we study about the conversion of heat  energy into mechanical energy.

THERMODYNAMICS SYSTEM:-It is the region or area around the space where all the thermodynamics process takes place or thermodynamics analyis is done.


**SURROUNDING:-Every thing apart from the system is called surrounding.


*BOUNDARY:-It is an imaginary or real surface which separate system and surrounding.



There are three types of thermodynamics system.

1.   Open system:- A system in which mass as well as energy can transfer from system to surrounding or surrounding to system is known as open system.

2.   CLOSED SYSTEM:- A system in which mass remain constant but energy can transfer from system to surrounding or vice-versa.

3.   ISOLATED  SYSTEM:- A system in which neither mass nor energy can transfer from system to surrounding or vice-versa.



Every system has certain characteristics by which its physical condition may be described.

eg:- volume, pressure, temperature,etc.

such characteristics are called propertics of system.



1.   Extensive property:-Those thermodynamic properties which depends upon the mass or number of substance and size of the system are called extensive peoperty.

eg:-mass,volume,all types of energy,enthalpy,entopy, internal energy.

2.   INTENSIVE PROPERTY:-Those thermodynamic properties which are independent of mass and size of the system are called intensive property.

eg:- temperature, pressure,density,viscosity,specific heat capacity etc.









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