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CAD & CAM : Conventional Design Process

     Conventional Design Process

There are six steps involved in the conventional design process as discussed below:

 1. Recognition of need

 • The first step in the designing process is to recognize necessity of that particular design.

 • The condition under which the part is going to operate and the operation of part in that particular environment.

 • The real problem is identified by knowing the history and difficulties faced in system.

2. Definition of problem

 • The design involves type of shape of part, its space requirement, the material restrictions and the condition under which the part has to operate. 

 • The basic purpose of design process has to be known before starting the design.

 • A problem may be design of a simple part or complex part.

 • It may be problem on optimizing certain parameters.

3. Synthesis of design 

• In this, it may be necessary to prepare a rough drawing of design part. 

 • The type of loading conditions imposed on the parts. 

• The type of shapes which the part section can require and approximate dimension at which the different forces are located has to be provided on the sketch of part. 

 • The stresses to which the part is likely to be subjected must be analyzed and relevant formulas should be prepared.

 • A mathematical model of design may be prepared to synthesize the parts of design.

4. Analysis and optimization 

• The design can be analyzed for the type of loading condition as well as the geometric shape of the part.

 • In the first stage it will be necessary to check the design of the part for safe stresses.

 • If it is not satisfactory, then the dimensions of the part can be recalculated.

 • The part can further be optimized for acquiring minimum dimensions, weight, volume, efficiency of the material and cost.

 • The optimization depends on the definition of the problem and importance of a parameter.

 • It may be sometimes necessary to optimize the part for certain operating parameters like efficiency, torque, etc. 

5. Evaluation

 • It is concerned with measuring the design against the specifications established in the problem definition phase. 

 • The evaluation often requires the fabrication and testing of model to assess operating performance, quality and reliability. 

6. Presentation

 • The design of component must be presented along with necessary drawings in an attractive format.  


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